Ernest Kennedy

In life it’s better to KEEP up with the train than to CATCH up to it!
— High school football coach
Elite Ops Ernest Kennedy DC MD VA pest control hero.JPG

Growing up in West Virginia with his parents made Ernest Kennedy the person he is today. They did not have much, but they were never short on love. Ernest is the youngest of three.  He and his brothers were very close growing up, so a lot of his personality comes from them. Growing up in West Virginia, playing football was a priority in most teenagers’ lives.  He was made captain of the football team his senior year in 2012.

After high school he wasn’t yet sure about which career path he wanted to take. He felt that college wasn't the place for him, so he jumped right into the work force.  His first job was the summer of 2009, when he started working on a farm for a man named Tom. Tom had hired Ernest and a couple of the guys from the team. He made $80 a day, plus a free meal. “It don't get better than this,” he thought to himself.

After 16 years of living in West Virginia, Ernest felt it was time to find a place with better opportunities. West Virginia is the state of wild and wonderful, but it doesn’t offer the variety of career opportunities as the bigger cities.  After moving to DC, Ernest joined the food service industry and worked his way up. After some time in food service, he was ready for his next challenge. Ernest desired to combine his career with his athletic abilities and joined iLoveKickboxing next. He is inspired by getting people to their goals—having that big of an impact on someone's life is the best feeling in the world. Fitness has always been a part of his life. 

When Ernest moved to DC, he sensed that it would be an adjustment from the West Virginia pace, but he also knew he could be successful at whatever he put his mind to. Ernest joined Elite Ops Exterminators because he loves to help people solve their issues and bring a professional insight to every situation.  He says, “The best thing about doing pest control is the way it makes me feel when I come in to take control of the problem and give the customer peace of mind like a hero. I try to serve my customers by giving the best customer service, future recommendations for prevention, and leaving customers feeling satisfied with my work.”

He prides himself on being a hard-working, good-hearted, light spirited person who also loves to help others get to that place in life!

Meet DJ